LTRT Episode 136: Endgame


pshh what is this? Is this episode about The Avengers movie that came out in 2019 or whatever? When was that? Do people remember those movies? What? Oh I'm typing in the CMS for the LTRT podcast description? Oh! Uh... 

Endgame! What happens when the game... ends? Well... won't you be excited to know! Find out in this episode! David discusses videogames with long tails - long... swishy, swishy tails. Giovanni can't figure out crinkle cut fries. Tess washes a deck. Greg tells everyone to "Pokémon Y to the polls." 

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Games discussed include: Pokémon Y, Borderlands 2, Kirby Air Ride, and PowerWash Simulator

Show notes:

Recipe Guide: How to make Singapore’s KFC Cheese Fries


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