LTRT Episode 139: 6ixth Annual Father’s Day Dadstravaganza: The Red Herring (Respectfully)
Listeners! Who could have anticipated that your LTRT hosts would do yet another Father's Day episode?? You'd think that by the 6ixth one of these we'd know better, but you know what they say: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me six times, I have a condition.
Welcome to the 6ixth Annual Father's Day Dadstravanganza: The Red Herring (Respectfully). We know we just had a fishing episode a little bit ago, but this one is for the DADS! Dads out there, this episode is for you. Here's what you can look forward to in this year's Dadstravanganza: Giovanni brainstorms the ideal videogame for dads. David washes down the deck. Greg really mixes up his dad references. Tess has some advice for you beta dads out there.
If you're a dad and you'd like to support our show, head over to and toss us some spare change. Think of it as an allowance - we'll do the chores (tell you bad jokes) and you give us the money. Sound good? Sounds good to us. Also If you don't have the cash to support us right now you can always leave us a review on your podcatcher of choice (including on Spotify for some reason!)
Games discussed include: PowerWash Simulator, Cyberpunk 2077, Pac-Man, and Spore.